How Practicing Mindfulness Can Help Ease Anxiety and Depression

How Practicing Mindfulness Can Help Ease Anxiety and Depression

If you have been clinically diagnosed with anxiety and depression, understand that you are not alone, as it has become increasingly common in our society. Anxiety and depression have become more widespread, and in most cases, life events are to blame. The stress we endure while trying to keep up with the fast-evolving world is the leading cause of it. However, the root causes that lead to depression and anxiety are different for each individual. 

Anxiety is not the chills one feels before a big performance, or the racing heartbeat one feels when one is afraid to fail at something. Also, depression is not just the feeling of constant sadness. And one thing's for sure, and it's the fact that we can't just tell someone experiencing anxiety and depression to snap out of their feeling; it doesn't work that way. Anxiety tells you everything you feel is serious, while depression paints everything black and white. 

Today, those diagnosed with anxiety and depression can easily get their hands on anti-depressant prescribed by their doctor. But what's the benefit, especially if the medications only numb your feelings. Yes, those with severe anxiety and depression require medication, but mindfulness is another natural way to cope with anxiety and depression. Practicing mindfulness for anxiety and depression is not an overnight fix, but mindfulness as a tool can help ease the weight and allow one to co-exist with these feelings. 

It is okay to go over the internet to look up does mindfulness help Depression and Anxiety? Anyone would when they hear such claims for the first time. The important thing to note here is that mindfulness does not eliminate anxiety and depression; instead, it helps you cope with them. 

Practicing Mindfulness Meditation for Anxiety and Depression 

Let's find out the benefits of practicing mindfulness for anxiety and depression

Soothes the Nervous System

While many say that practicing mindfulness meditation for anxiety and depression only attempts to distract the mind, it is not just a breathing exercise. It can help soothe the nervous system and present a sense of calmness to it. Scientific studies suggest that mindfulness soothes the nervous system by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, also known as the "rest and digest system," which helps the body relax. 

Mindfulness Helps Us Co-exist With Our Emotions 

Mindfulness for anxiety and depression teaches us to cope and co-exist with our feeling and emotions, which are rather difficult to accept. When the mind is trapped in anxious ruminations and the sense of hopelessness is overflowing, our defense mechanism is to fight these feelings and emotions and sweep them under the rug, making the matter worse. Mindfulness teaches us to invite these feelings and emotions in and to accept them as they are. 

Mindfulness Helps Us To Be Kind To Ourselves 

Our inner voice is often our harshest critic, and this inner critic can make things extremely difficult for those battling anxiety and depression. And by practicing mindfulness for anxiety and depression, one can become more aware of one's inner critic, which is the first step of detaching oneself from it. Also, practicing mindfulness can help one choose to be kind to oneself during difficult times instead of criticizing oneself. 

Practicing Mindfulness for Anxiety and Depression Can Help Manage Negative Thoughts 

Those battling anxiety and depression struggle with negative and ruminative thoughts on a loop. These thoughts can be distressing and are challenging to stop. Practicing mindfulness for anxiety and depression can help break this cycle by helping us become aware of these negative thoughts. For this, let these thoughts in, acknowledge them, recognize the pattern, and then help yourself to break their cycle. 

Bear in mind that mindfulness for anxiety and depression will not fix the problem overnight. However, it is a tool to help manage these strong feelings and emotions. Yes, it may take some time to see progress, and relapses can happen, but practicing mindfulness for anxiety and depression will help you find the way out. 

How To Get Started With Mindfulness? 

If you have decided to practice mindfulness for anxiety and depression, here are some tips to help you get started.

  • Set aside a particular time period and use it to meditate every day.Whether in the morning, afternoon, evening or before going to bed, what's important is that you meditate. 
  • Once you have picked a time, choose a spot where there is minimal distraction so you do not get distracted while meditating. 
  • Before starting with mindfulness meditation for the first time, understand that you need to give it some time to get used to it and see the results. 


The benefits of mindfulness for anxiety and depression cannot be understated. It is an effective practice to be followed in the long run, although it does not help address the problem overnight. Also, it is important to note that mindfulness for anxiety and depression works for many but still, some may require medication to keep their mental health in check. And that is entirely okay.

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